Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Review of the Saeco Aroma Espresso Maker Electricespresso

In this article you will learn about the pros and cons of the Saeco Aroma espresso maker electricity. I chose to pressure (15 bar) compact size and price.

I am also glad that I can get it in black to match my kitchen decor. Remember it is a manual machine, such a stack at the bottom of the hierarchy of espresso makers.

You grind your own beans in a separate grinder, you pack the portafilter by hand and enter into the phone. You control the amount of espresso produced with a switch and the froth or steam your milk really appropriate. This is a good way to learn the art of making espresso at reasonable prices (around $ 300).

The quality of espresso, let us feature it as well once you get some experience. The main obstacle is not so much pressure but, how long can be maintained. This is a function of the size of the tank. coffee makers

About halfway through your trip the pressure switch on the unit which means that the vapor pressure is lost. I tend to stop at this point to allow pressure to build again so that I can maintain some crema all the way through the session.

Thus, the image you see above with two cups a bit misleading. First, a pressurized portafilter. At the time, unless you are very careful about how much coffee you pack, you need Hercules to get it all the way in place.

Another complaint I have is that while the steam wand to do a good job in its main task, the placement was a little leaf desired. It is not very high and close to the machine which limits the size of the cup that you can use and make it somewhat awkward to do the job full steam. You are always trying to work on machines that only allows access to about half of your cup.

All in all this machine is a good entry level espresso maker. Once you get some experience with it you can make good espresso and latte / cappuccino. I hope the tank is a little bigger and a little more easy to use, but, he got a job.

Executive summary Espresso by Michael Cress

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