Friday, April 23, 2010

Italian Coffee

Types of Italian Coffeeitalian coffee

If you visit Italy, you'll want to check out Italian coffee available there. Many Italians stopped for coffee on their way to work, just as many Americans hit the local Starbucks.

Coffee Type

There are two main types of Italian coffee: caffe bag and caffe. Caffe is a strong coffee, similar to espresso, and has a caramel-colored foam on top. Caffe Hag is a version without the caffeine, but also can be labeled as decafinato. Beverages such as cappuccinos are not drunk by Italy after 11 am, so if you see people drinking in the afternoon may be a bar tour.


You can change the way your Italian coffee made by ordering a caffe lungo or caffe ristretto. A caffe lungo is a long coffee, where there is more water added to make the weak and bitter coffee. Caffe limited ristretto coffee, where little water is added.


If you enjoy Italian coffee or espresso there are many extras that you can add to it to personalize to your taste.

o Caffe con panna - espresso with whipped cream

o Caffe example zucchero o - espresso with sugar.

o Caffe corretto - coffee with a drizzle of liquor, often cognac or arak.

o Caffe latte - Espresso with hot milk.

o Caffe Macchiato - coffee stains only with milk added to it.

o Cappuccino - a shot of espresso with steamed milk and foam.

o Milk Latte Macchiato - espresso with steamed colored.

Specialty Coffees

If you think something different but still want to try an Italian coffee, here are some suggestions:

It features a solid hot chocolate, espresso, and cream layered together.

Café o della casa - this is the "coffee houses" and will become a particular specialty coffee bar.

O caffe freddo - cold or iced coffee

No matter what your coffee tastes included, there is sure to be the Italian coffee that would fit them and give you a unique coffee experience.

Executive summary about Italian Coffee by Anna Fiori

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